Sunday 15 April 2012

Qopheni Ndlovu gives an emotional account(originally posted on (the late) Stg Mufaro Hove Blog in 2006/7)---

You might think that you are promoting some tribal unity or something but let me tell you the truth straight , WE THE NDEBELES DO NOT WANT TO BE PART OF ZIMBABWE ANYMORE BELIEVE IT OR NOT.

We are sick and tired of the treachery perpetuated by the Shonas day in day out we are sick of having our salaries eroded every hour you may say the Shonas are suffering too but let me tell you that our suffering dates way back to the 80s.

Take Zodwa for example, her father left home when her mom was still pregnant to join the war came back at independence and in 1982 was collected at night by the fifth brigade and was never to be seen again the result is that without a father Zodwa's mom had to struggle to raise her, pay her fees and Zodwa went to school barefoot, was not doing well as there was not enough food at home; they were living like destitute in a country whose independence Zodwa's dad had sacrificed his life.

Because Zodwa has no father she cannot get a Birth Certficate and ID and in turn no Passport to escape the poverty and live in the UK like you so she can send money back home for her parents. She turns to the local eligible man, gets married and thats the end of the story of her youth. Now she has to fend for her kids who in turn (because she has no Birth Certificate) find it hard for them to get them themselves and they drop out of school at Grade 7 because they can not write Grade Seven exams with no Birth Cerficates, and yes the cycle continues vicious as it is and the next thing the boys who lost a grandparent border-jump into SA.

IF LUCKY THEY MAKE IT; if not they are either eaten by crocodiles or are caught and sent to Lindela.

On the flip side here's a boy in Mash East who grows up with with his mom as his dad has left to join the war dad comes back, gets his demob pay; is senseless, blows it all but is able to get his son a Birth Certificate and son gets an education up to Form Four. Son does not do well at school but as the crunch time comes in, son gets a passport, dad sells some of his cattle son goes to the UK starts a new life, sends dad some money and amongst other things dad buys his cattle back. Its not a blessing to have a father. Or should i say not having a dad is curse?

The sun is setting: the old guard is going; no one is man enough to stand up and challenge the old guard but need i reminder you and your likes in the words of Malcom X

"When you let your chickens out in the morning do not expect them to roost in your neighbour's run: they will come to yours."

Here I was just highlighting to you how deep our problems with the Shonas are; so whatever you are promoting as long as it does not benefit the victims directly you are just as bad
as Mugabe and Chiyangwa: you are enriching yourself with the suffering of others; you hands are blood-stained.

I have attached a link below just to give you an insight as to who the dissidents were, if a notebook signed by Notalks Mabhena is found in the pocket of a terrorist called Mombi Macheni, the rest is food for thought.

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